

3-DEE High competition for talent

High competition for talent

Companies face competition not only from direct competitors but also from businesses in other sectors seeking similar profiles.

3-DEE Tight recruitment budget

Tight recruitment budget

Companies are working with increasingly tight budgets for hiring staff. Many collaborate with recruitment agencies paid per assignment, a short-term solution that continues to incur costs whenever an employee leaves or a new position needs to be filled.

Boost the visibility of your vacancy

Limited visibility of the vacancy

Despite publishing job vacancies on platforms like VDAB, LinkedIn, and Stepstone, and sharing them through employee networks, visibility remains limited. This restricts the reach and effectiveness of your recruitment efforts.


Personal & transparent communication

At 3-DEE, we emphasize personal and transparent communication to attract the right candidates. Potential hires can explore their future workspace and discover crucial factors like work-life balance, training opportunities, company values, job security, and growth prospects through videos, photos, texts, testimonials, and other features. By showcasing personal stories and testimonials from current employees, we humanize the company and build trust, increasing the likelihood of candidates choosing you as an employer.

Long-term Budget Efficiency

Instead of treating each vacancy as an isolated case, 3-DEE takes a holistic approach. Our 3-DEE tour is applicable for multiple vacancies and can be personalized for specific roles. This means that if an applicant finds another job opening more interesting, they can immediately explore other available positions within the same tour. In addition, events such as job fairs are integrated, allowing applicants to meet team members and ask questions in person, which helps to lower barriers and facilitate better connections.

Employees as ambassadors

Your employees are your best ambassadors. By integrating them into the recruitment process, we enhance the authenticity and appeal of your job openings. Alongside the 3-DEE tour, employees receive a kit to interactively communicate about open positions and act as ambassadors. In addition, candidates can connect with future colleagues, ensuring a seamless and informative recruitment experience. This increases the visibility of vacancies and allows the tour to be used for all openings, providing a long-term solution rather than a short-term fix.At 3-DEE, we address the key challenges of attracting and hiring new staff by providing innovative and budget-friendly solutions. Our approach not only improves the visibility and appeal of your job openings but also ensures a transparent, engaging, and efficient recruitment process. By leveraging personal communication, long-term budgeting strategies, and employee advocacy, we help you build a strong, talented, and committed workforce.


At 3-DEE, we address the key challenges of attracting and hiring new staff by providing innovative and budget-friendly solutions. Our approach not only improves the visibility and appeal of your job openings but also ensures a transparent, engaging, and efficient recruitment process. By leveraging personal communication, long-term budgeting strategies, and employee advocacy, we help you build a strong, talented, and committed workforce.

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